Dollar Street

Dollar street is a new way to look at families around the world. It puts every family along a street with poorest family on the left from the left and the richest family on the right. 

The income for each family is in United States Dollars. 

Where Dollar Street is different however is that it doesn’t use numbers or writing to show the differences between people it uses pictures. 

Dollar Street has sliders which you move along to compare life for the families.

Butoyi Family

Monthly income $27

The Butoyi family lives in Burundi. Imelda is 41 years old and she works as a farm labourer on her own land. 

She has 4 children and they live with her in a 2-bedroom house they built from mud and poles (sticks). 

It takes them 40 minutes to walk to collect water and 14 hours a week is spent gathering firewood to cook. 

How Rich Am I? Calculates that 99.9% of the population of the world is richer than the Butoyi family. Check out the lives of this amazing family.


Go to Gapminder's 'Dollar Street' - Click below

© Gapminder





Front door


Get water


Table with food



Let us move along to $100 per month.

Guispe de Tenorio family from Peru

Guispe de Tenorio family lives in Peru. There are 8 family members which include 4 children and 4 adults. The adults work in recycling plastic business. The family lives in a 1-bedroom rented house, they pay 60 Peruvian Sols (18 USD) per month in rent. 

Their house has unreliable electricity, no running water, and the toilet facility is outdoor. 

Drinking water is available at a distance of 5 minutes from their house and costs them 10% of their income. 

In the kitchen, they burn wood for cooking and spend 10 hours every week collecting it. 

According to the How Rich Am I? website 89.2% of the world are richer so with hard work this family has just escaped the bottom 10%.




Front door


Drinking water


Table with food



Let us move on to $1000 dollars a month and a UK family. This family has about £9,377 each year.

Fernandez family

Monthly income


The Fernandez family lives in London in the United Kingdom. Diego is 28 years old and works as a chef. His wife is 25 years old and she works as a waitress. They live with their son who is 1 years old. 

The Fernandez family lives in a 2-bedroom flat. 

The flat has reliable electricity, running water, and toilet facility. 

The Fernandez family hardly saves any money because most of it is spent on food and rent. 

How Rich Am I puts the Fernandez family into the top 25% of people in the world.




Front door


Get water


Table with food



Student Activity

Use Dollar Street to make up a PowerPoint Slide showing what life is like for range of people.

Use Dollar Street with How Rich am I? and to try to show families from:

  • Bottom 10%
  • Between 20% and 20%
  • Between 20% and 30%
  • Between 60 and 70%
  • Between 80 and 90%
  • The top 5%
  • The top 1%

Where are you compared to the rest of the world?

Did you know that this morning?

Complete the DME activity sheet - Click below


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